Bad Queers

White Noise | Episode 250

Shana & Kris Season 1 Episode 250

Harmful and harmless trash best characterizes this week's news. We react to Trump's 99 min address to Congress and the ways the Democrats "resisted". Shana (bravely) recaps Love is Blind and we discuss Cynthia Ervio's night at the Oscars as well as her being named a headliner for World Pride.

Later in the show, we explain when it's ok to avoid coming out to a family member and if pretty privilege should excuse another queer person's ignorance. Plus why you should never judge a stud by her past.


Kris: The Bulldagger Chronicles - podcast, show created by A. Toni Young. The Bulldagger Chronicles seeks to center those of us who are masculine: our love, our history, and our transformation from invisible to invincible within the LGBTQIA community but also within professional and commercial enterprises. Follow and support on IG @bulldaggerchronicles

Black Alphabet - Chicago based LGBTQ+ arts, media and wellness nonprofit. Committed to giving the Black LGBTQ+ Community a voice through arts and media. Black Alphabet is home to the Black Alphabet Film Festival and is Chicago’s first Black LGBTQ film festival. Follow and support on IG @black_alphabet 

Episode Notes:
0:50 - Queer Urban Dictionary - Velvet Butch and Weekend Gay
3:05 - Category Is: Reactions to Trump's Speech to Congress
17:49 - Category Is: Love is Blind & Oscars Recap

39:06 - Category Is: World Pride
41:35 - Am I a Bad Queer? 
52:25 - Bad Queer Opinion
58:20 - Shoutouts 

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The opinions expressed during this podcast are conversational in nature and expressed only for comedic purposes. Not all of the facts will be correct but we attempt to be as accurate as possible. BQ Media LLC, the hosts, nor any guest host(s) hold no liability over the conversations on this podcast and by using this podcast...