Bad Queers

Conception Begins at Erection I Episode 249

Shana & Kris Season 1 Episode 249

After the last few weeks of mess in the news, we are bringing positive stories to your eyes and ears. We breakdown the 'Conception Begins at Erection' Bill, Amber Ruffin shares accountability in not coming out sooner and share our favorite highlights from the NAACP Image Awards. In 'Am I a Bad Queer?' we break down the essence of the 'delivered' queer person, being skeptical of your exes behaviors after you breakup and pretending to know the indie queer artists. Would you watch a WNBA Queer Reality TV show? Probably the best idea from our Bad Queer Opinions. 

Daniel Thomas- THEE Hairstorian for his hilarious and clever content exploring past and present Black hairstyles and fashion. Follow on IG @danielfunnyashell

National Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission: An independent human rights institution working for legal policy reforms towards equality and full inclusion of sexual and gender minorities in Kenya - Follow and support their work @nglhrckenya on IG 

Episode Notes:
0:49 - Queer Urban Dictionary - 50/50 Myth and Lesbian Boyfriend 
3:16 - Category is: Conception Begins at Erection 
7:25 - Category is: C'mon Out - Amber Ruffin coming out accountability 
14:37 - Category is: NAACP Image Awards 
26:17 - Am I a Bad Queer? 
43:30 - Bad Queer Opinion
53:07 - Shoutouts 

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Opening song by Siena Liggins: @sienaliggins
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