Bad Queers
This podcast is for people who feel like they came out of the closet and got placed in a box. It’s time to put the u-haul theory to bed, and connect over being Bad Queers. Join Kris and Shana, fellow Bad Queers, to discuss breaking stereotypes, owning your identity and their unpopular queer opinions. Bad Queers will leave you both offended and inspired by the news, stories and advice about the very fluid, very real LGBTQ+ experience.
Bad Queers
Heart Life | Episode 228
Heavy news week this week between the lynching of Marcellus Williams and learning the word "diabolical" truly applies to Diddy. In lighter news, our WNBA playoff predictions are in, Shana has some exciting (?) fantasy news to share while Kris dissociates.
In Am I a Bad Queer?, they discuss adjusting to your newly-moved-in partner's mental health needs and answering the centuries-old lesbian question of "Should you tell your best friend you like her".
Shana tries out some queer mom jokes in Bad Queer Opinion, and Kris' shares her mom packed her up for giving Ryan Murphy work a pass over Lee Daniels.
Kris: Jade Fox for her interview with Kid Fury. Talk about an instant click. Two of my fav iconic Black queer creators sat down for a great interview. Check it out on Jade’s Youtube- @iamjadefox, make sure to like and subscribe to her channel
Shana: George M Johnson - Yesterday (as of recording) announced their new book, Flamboyants, was released. Flamboyants is a collection of empowering essays about Black and Queer icons from the Harlem Renaissance. Buy Flamboyants and follow @iamgmjohnson on IG
Episode Notes:
[0:50] Queer Urban Dictionary
[2:38] Category Is: So Republicans aren’t pro-life
[10:25] Category is: Diddy is arrested
[19:40] Category is: WNBA Playoffs
[37:20] Am I a Bad Queer?
[58:54] Bad Queer Opinions
[1:08:29] Shoutouts
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Opening song by Siena Liggins: @sienaliggins
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The opinions expressed during this podcast are conversational in nature and expressed only for comedic purposes. Not all of the facts will be correct but we attempt to be as accurate as possible. BQ Media LLC, the hosts, nor any guest host(s) hold no liability over the conversations on this podcast and by using this podcast...