Bad Queers

Beyoncé D.N.C. (Did Not Come) I Episode 223

Shana & Kris Season 1 Episode 223

The Democratic National Convention, the 'Demure' trend and Daddy Billy Porter are topics of conversation this week on Bad Queers. Shana recaps the events she participated in during the DNC (and meeting her favorite athlete!), what it was like in Chicago and reflected on the speeches, highs and lows. In AIABQ? straight women avoid dating discussions, respectability politics and relationship + finance woes. Bad Queer Opinions include privilege in the LGBTQ+ community and 

Kris: To myself and my wife! We are celebrating our son's second year of life this week and it's been such an adventure and blessing. Follow them on IG @ablackgirlandherson

Shana: AmbersCloset - Creator, Activist, Host, Actor - You’re coming out was probably supported by Ambers YouTube. Got to meet them this week and they are a light. Follow and engage with their content @amberscloset on IG

Episode Notes:
[00:50] - Queer Urban Dictionary
[4:58] Category is: The 'Demure' Trend 
[8:46] Category is: DNC Recap 
[46:21] Category is: Daddy ain't ever going to be silent 
[50:47] Am I a Bad Queer?
[1:06:20] Bad Queer Opinion
[1:15:21] Shoutouts 

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Opening song by Siena Liggins: @sienaliggins
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The opinions expressed during this podcast are conversational in nature and expressed only for comedic purposes. Not all of the facts will be correct but we attempt to be as accurate as possible. BQ Media LLC, the hosts, nor any guest host(s) hold no liability over the conversations on this podcast and by using this podcast...