Bad Queers

The World Is On Fire | Episode 182

Shana & Kris Season 1 Episode 182

The global attack on LGBTQ people continues in Alabama, as pharmacies are refusing to refill trans kids’ prescriptions despite gender-affirming care being legal.  Mass arrests of queer Nigerians continue without proper investigations. In AIABQ, we explore trans men in lesbian spaces and how to deal with friends who ignore red flags when dating.
Shana gives an altar call to fellow Law & Order SVU queers and Kris shares what she thinks was missed in the Jada/Will media frenzy.


Shana: BEAM - Black Emotional & Mental Health Collective. It’s a movement dedicated to creating a world where there are no barriers to Black healing. They just launched a new podcast called Black Healing Remixed to bring real intimate conversations to you. Follow @_beamorg 

Kris: Feelmore Social - cocktail lounge in Oakland. The sex-forward club adds to Black queer owner, Nenna Joiner’s Feelmore brand - which includes popular adult shop, Feelmore Adult in Oakland and Berkeley. Follow them on IG @feelmoresocial and @feelmoreadult

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Opening song by Siena Liggins: @sienaliggins
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The opinions expressed during this podcast are conversational in nature and expressed only for comedic purposes. Not all of the facts will be correct but we attempt to be as accurate as possible. BQ Media LLC, the hosts, nor any guest host(s) hold no liability over the conversations on this podcast and by using this podcast...