Bad Queers

Political Plot Twists | Episode 219

Shana & Kris Season 1 Episode 219
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00:00:00 | 01:22:07

Maybe living in precedented times is overrated?

In an all-new episode, we discuss the craziest two weekends in recent American political history between the Trump assassination attempt, Joe Biden stepping down, and Kamala stepping TF up.

Rest in power to Sonya Massey. We discuss the current details of the senseless murder by the police in Illinois.
The Summer Olympics are here and over 175 out Olympians are in this year’s Paris Games.
Kim Burrell apologizes to the LGBTQ community but not for generally being a shitty person.

We’re sending out hopefully encouraging words and advice for our of our “Am I A Bad Queer” listeners. In Bad Queer Opinions, we discuss if men are ruining bisexuality and Tyler Perry’s Four Loko connection.


Shana: Taylor Casey - trans leader from Chicago who was last seen in Paradise Island, Nassau Bahamas, June 19, 2024 at a yoga retreat. Two days into the retreat she went missing.The search continues and the family is requesting donations to help their efforts as they continue to be met with roadblocks in the search. Follow and share @findtaylorcasey on IG

Kris: Here’s Why w/ Kevin Ortega-Rojas - a progress-focused, pro-equality queer, afro-latino owned and operated news IG account. We had the pleasure of meeting Kevin during the Voices Stay Proud campaign and not only is he passionate about our community, he’s an accurate journalist and shines lights on lesser covered queer stories as well as the world around us. Follow on IG: @hereswhynews  and listen to @bylatinmen podcast to hear more from Kevin

Episode Time Stamps:

[0:56] - Queer Urban Dictionary
[5:16] - Category Is - Political Plot Twists
[31:23] - Category is - Rest in Peace to Sonya Massey [TW: Death, Police Brutality]
[40:40] - Category Is - Kim Burrell Apologizes to the LGBTQ Community
[43:33] - Category Is - The Olympics
[52:48] - Am I A Bad Queer?
[1:09] -  Bad Queer Opinions
1:19:33- Shoutouts


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The opinions expressed during this podcast are conversational in nature and expressed only for comedic purposes. Not all of the facts will be correct but we attempt to be as accurate as possible. BQ Media LLC, the hosts, nor any guest host(s) hold no liability over the conversations on this podcast and by using this podcast...